Somerville in the spotlight

In the Spotlight

Exhibiting during the pandemic has been a new and exciting way to show my paintings- ONLINE.

However, I still love that Jordan Gallery can be open to see my works in real time/life. Online viewing, zooming and experiencing all art brings up ideas about the aesthetics of futurity and questions of differing comprehensions of space and place. We might consider the new role of art in shaping equitable and ecological futures in this political reality and technological overtake.

The unconscious is expressed in my work and my colour is arrived at through a metaphysical state and intuitive approach. My work is that of a painter responding to the surface on a path of enquiry.

Colours and how they translate visually online question how they are received. Technology can change the meaning and mood. However is this a bad thing? My colours fluctuate in any case when viewing the paintings at different times of the year. Nonetheless, the experience of the gallery visit is especially rewarding and unique and can often spark conversations in front of the work. . While my time in the spotlight is now over the Jordan Gallery I still show selected works. Jordan Village Lincoln, Ontario

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